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About District Bar Association, Mirzapur

District Bar Association, Mirzapur

It was decided to establish the courts of Munsif, Sub Judge and Additional Civil and Session judge in Mirzapur in the year 1905. For the functioning of the above court, three courts rooms along with offices were constructed in the year 1906 in one block. Along with construction of said court building a few lawyers chambers, to be allotted on rent, towards west and one client shed in form of a small hall towards south of the said court building, were also got constructed simultaneously. The lawyers realized the necessity of a common hall where they could sit comfortably to assist the court in the administration of justice. With this aim in view, some representatives of lawyers approached the district judge Allahabad under whose judgeship, the judiciary of Mirzapur was functioning, for permission to construct a building in the vicinity of the court as an ‘Association of Bar’. High Court was pleased to accord its permission12 . As a consequences, the building of District Bar Association Mirzapur was constructed by the benevolent contribution of members in the year 1907. First executive committee of District Bar Association was formed in the year 1972. The first president of District Bar Association was Adv. Sri Ganesh Prasad Gupta and the secretory was Adv. Sri Chhail Bihari Lal Srivastva13 .